"DEHAS Current news" 2024/2025
Flying Saucers Are Real Dr. D announces a new breakthrough in the development of his space motors 
Thanks to Dr. Doug Haynes blessing from God, black history has been made again and again since we can now finally say that flying saucers are real, the industries top A&P aircraft-airline technician, FCC avionics specialist, air and spacecraft manufacturing engineer, multi engine pilot instructor, educator professor / multiple under/graduate degreed, FAA AST registered / certified air-space-starline CEO / owner operator Dr. D is ready to unveil his new Super Nova magnetohydrodynamic (MDH) technology based space motors at his new privately based space complex far east of Watkins Colo. As always this new space motor technology based power plant platform features The DEHAS mfg company's all green, non- reaction, non-exhaust expelling, magneticinertial drive operation. So feel free to stop by our new spaceport this spring to get a sneak pre-flight look at the world's first and only manned, all green electrical e-VTOL UFO name the Jeter Saucer via our Blue Sky Fly teams Go Fly test flights and as always,
God Bless You and Yours
Finally all green aviation / aerospace e-Machines
As always, God bless you and yours
Welcome to EC-11
"Cast thy Bread Upon the Waters"
and truly make this planet great again As always, God bless you and yours
Blue Ridge Nebula Starlines commits to providing Project  Black with FAA AST certified aerospaceline transportation operations so feel free to get on board follow along, our just stay updated at our Genesis Prime Program link to the left and as always God bless you and yours Tune in now to join the latest movement toward humanin space flight activity via Rodrick Martian's Why the Big Secret /Strangeness Project Black's seers and seekers podcast discussions with Dr. Doug at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFbj06EgnPA Welcome to our La DERSHANA'S 2022 SIX DAY TO MARS (RT) DEMO TOURISM FLIGHT
Our Mars flight event begins with a local eVTOL flight from Down town Denver to our Colorado Spaceport base our east on Friday, the 25th of November 2022 via one of our all electrical commuting flying saucers transporters named the Jeter Mobile. The Surface of Mars 
08 05 2022 "Happy Birth-Day Dr. D" Long EZ N25ED God Bless you and yours
Meet the DEHAS e-Cylon Saucer since 1984 we have been the only / safest e S-VTOL vehicle mfg with personalizes ejection pods just for you "why" "we care"
So please be smart and responsible, Stop Going no-where fast while
helping destroy the earth’s vital
environments with electrical cars, and antiquated rocket ships, capsules and rocket planes, instead fly the coolest looking DEHAS electrical saucer shaped aircraft or e-S/VTOL Flying Jeter Mobiles and Sci Fy Star Trek / Star Wars looking spaceships over earth and into space.

Wow, look at all those electrical powered vehicles non-moving
parts not moving at all for hours and hours on end down there in the global warming triggered rain, while going nowhere fast , could get lethal real fast. So Nikola
Tesla, who coveted electrical powered flying saucers over electrical cars, was
right all along when he said just after the Wright Brothers first powered
flight that, these types of antiquated
and obsolete transportation technology’s like electrical car's and reciprocating engine powered aircraft would soon be going nowhere fast while polluting the environment in either their movements or their manufacturing encompassing processes. However, Thank God, the smart people who know their history seek to operate the much more advanced, and
state-of-the-art, all green, all electrical, Long EZ's or the e-VTOL Jeter Saucers, as offered by Dr. Doug Haynes DEHAS aerospace company in Denver.
Be smart, helpful, and positive toward the
environment by getting yours today and stop making it overly hotter or colder around here by helping to destroy the earth’s vital environments via activities such as over mining lithium or expelling manufacturing toxic waste pollutants around the world.
As always God bless you and yours
Our 21st century, all green/ electrically powered, near lightspeed transient, gravity
generating, HLS, saucerliner named Los Dilila technology and its associated artificial gravity
generating, free-flying Commercial LEO orbital space station, name
"Deep Spacestation Nine Delta Hotel" Our Star-track / Star War technology lookalike Los Dilila spacedship docks with the NASA’s NRHO orbiting Gateway station (or Orion), as We set the stage for modern, full gravity generating space transportation without the need to carry any fuel. So if extraordinary promises need extraordinary proof, then seeing is believing, so feel free to stop by the world’s first and safest air-space- starlines operation here in eastern Colorado and tour our secret, pollution free, e-aircraft or e-S/VTOL, flying Saucer like technology for yourselves. As always God Bless you and yours.
"Its time to fly" 
Feel free to stop by the world's first "Third Wave Airline spaceport right here in sunny eastern Colorado to see the only successful, 10 manned, eVTOL UFO saucerliner undergoing it's initial test flights just for you.
As always God, bless you and yours Thanks to our 2016 DARPA XS-1
deigned / built aerospace plane (named Goose Moose) multifaced solar
and generator power supply God has blessed us to be able to place high
watts electrical energy on all of our solar systems colonized asteroids,
moons and planets' and thanks to our 20 minute turnaround times only we can push to fly 10 passengers per trip, 10 times per day, five days per week, for 26k passengers per year, just for you. 
God Bless you and yours Since our starliners like the
Jeter Octo Saucer fly just as efficient in the atmosphere as in space, the world’s
1st and safest, third wave
airline will be hosting all green, E powered UFO mimicking tourism flights from
a multitude of south western based spaceports to our Watkins Co bases and
targeted Roswell mine hub before connecting with our “Ribbon in the Stars” space
flight transportation network aloft. The varying spaceports will eventually serve as suitable starlines city-pair connection points instead of just quick fly
over point of interest. Feel free to come on out this
summer to experience star trek/ star wars lookalike space transportation technology unfolding right before your eyes.
As always, God bless you and
yours "Jeter Octo Saucer" 
New air-taxi to demo safe-sexy non-polluting E-VTOL’s
spaceport to downtown op’s Thank God you don’t need a lot of bucks and payoffs, just
an abundant amount of blessings and prayers, so while others spend time trying
to flip around cool looking, but way too polluting, Buck Rogers lookalike ICBM
missiles, outdated staging rocket sequences, antiquated space capsule
configurations, and even try to fly obsolete space planes of the 20th century that normally either go up in smoke or down in flames we have been busy building something new. Since the 80’s we have been
fabricating our “ go Obama all Clean Green” saucer-liners to service our FAA
certified “Ribbon to the Stars” gateway air carrier package just for you.  Like all our Haynes Saucers our Jeter Saucer Saucer/
hover craft is the world’s first, safest and most versatile disk shaped,
back yard navigating, VTOL, 350 mph, high altitude cruising aerial
transportation device. Many of our
saucerliners can house around 10 occupants and are fully handicap accessible
from the lower, aft entry and or, the booster package servicing points. These
saucers house, 4 vertical modulating electrical retracting gears,
three pressurized stand-up cabins, twin top or bottom exiting
safety parachute aided ejection pods, 14-36 feet wide 10-16 feet tall, tip
to body folding parking to flight measurements. DEHAS line of
saucerliners also sports twin electrical entry / exit telescoping servicing aux ladders internal
/ external lighting, cargo / docking to upper cabin elevators, ship and cabin
separate auto leveling capabilities in support of spaceport or mothership to
booster docking de-docking accessibility events. Our line of saucers also features, 2 pressurized
D-egg shape doors, two pre-entry dust off contamination airlocks, roomy
stand-up safety-based cabin maneuverability. DEHAS Saucerliners built in
confinement artificial gravity generating G-egg chairs HD / heads up googles display unites
facilitate privately seated / embedded Wi-Fi based googles aided entertainment AV communication-based
stations. For hygiene purposes aloft many of our saucerliners basements and aft
booster package connections house bathrooms / showers / baths and sleeping
compartments, universal 4-way docking enter / exit ports. For occupancy
external internal environmental hazardous protection our fully FDA approved
polyethylene resin / heat and radiation resistant liquid skin shielding
technologies. Furthermore many of our saucerliners contain the “NASA
covenanted” twin dust-off airlocks, and multiple recirculating filtered (oxygen
/ nitrogen) breathable air scrubbers supply unites. DEHAS UFO’s multifaceted 12 volt, 44k wattage electrical power generation system uses either their non-spill/
non-gassing/ non-exploding lone duration, lead acid batteries, multiple mag-gen’s
as aided by our twin PAC-4 solar powered sun tracking arrays to operate devices
such as our fly by radio (tx) network, over sized HTV and heads up synthetic - real-time vision googles aided FPV display ADF/ILS/GPS/Star nav, altitude hold,
fully automounts autopiloting, ADS in-out anticollision / id and nap-of-earth terrain-following
guidance capabilities to keep things safe and comfortable across the ponds, over downtown, around the world, and or, into space.
These Saucerliners also smartly offer rapped dead battery
swap out abilities, and or runaway hot-battery ejection events via the same
hook-up / release systems . Not only can both the cabin and cargo pods be
emergency / recreational ejected but even entire ship can be safely returned to
terrestrial locations via their safety parachute arresting systems. Multi-
functional RCS provide forward, sideways, and aft air braking forces. All of our
saucerliners are propelled through sea, land, air and space by either our multiple
ducted fan arrangements, secret patient, non-polluting, reactionless
powerplants, or the more popular, dual ion drive / light speed cruising
motors. These state-of-the-art powerplants support the production of our antigravity
energy forces. The true flying saucer VTOL operational characteristics
of our new personal / urban e-motor powered vehicles elevate the need of
encountering any dangerous transitional phases of flight issues. Our line of
saucerliners are flexible enough to service people/cargo transportation markets
ranging from the up and coming PVA market, the 3D Air taxi operations, and
even the up and coming Third Wave Airlines space tourism industry. 
All of this is possible today, not tomorrow, since we
have elected to utilize the much safer UFO mimicking type of craft while
servicing the commensal market as the world’s first FAA certified 135 air taxi
VTOL operation since 1995. Thanks to God, all of these state-of-the-art
amenities easily makes our line of saucerliners the world’s
safest, extremely advanced and most versatile air transportation vehicles ever
conceived. Since seeing is believing and to be the best you have to
produce the best, Blue Ridge Nebula
Spaceline will once again showoff a few of our family-line of Star-trek / Star
Wars looking UFO saucerliners this summer right here at our Colorado Air and
Spaceport. This is the case before we began our FAA certified air-taxi airline
low routs testing, which are targeted at servicing location such as urban,
towns, city, states, national, international, sub/orbital, lunar, mars, and
finally deeper and deeper space based penetrating twin space city pair
connection points. Much of this space tourism connection operations will be
done via our rotating artificial gravity
generating space stations. So now you can finally get up to date and remember,
at the world’s first Third Wave Airlines named “Blue Ridge” there’s always a Ribbon
In the Stars just safely waiting to take you on a star-trekking-journey across
the known universe in comfort and light speeding style. As always please feel free to book a flight at the
world’s first online space flight reservation system here at www.blueridgeairlines.com or stop by
to walk around the cabins/ cargo compartment or even catch a ride on one of our
saucerliners today rather than some other ICBM looking missiles, outdated
staging rockets procedures, antiquated space capsules routines or obsolete
space plane protocols that normally include going up in smoke or down in flames wile tragically being absent of any safety ejection pods or all green
technologies down the road.
always God Bless you and yours
Welcome to the coolest and safest air-space-starliner flight to Mars video
"Los Dilila"
Come experience the most comfortable, artificial gravity generating space seats in the universe
For over a half a century we have been the leader aloft in making sure you or your love-ones don't suffer from any space sickness like vertigo or body cells degradation on orbit. Via our Star-trek / UFO looking space-liners which posses the state-of-the-art ability to produce not only artificial but anti-gravity forces aloft using our secret "all green" electrical powered perpetual motion like technology.
Come meet our newest Starship Our newest FAA AST registered artificial / anti gravity generating UFO that measures 30' x 40' x 12' and can propel over 70 passengers, and or, 20k lbs of other payloads at light / warp speed through varying space based destinations in or around our solar systems and exoplanets just for you. Because of this state of the art electrical drive passenger and cargo starship we can now offer Star Trekking Discovery service
we can now do this via our DARPA XS-1 Experimental Aerospace plane named
Goose Moose, as mixed with Los Dilila to create our newest starship "La Dershana" as electrically powered by our secret all green CF reaction-less "Hay Drive" technology
Thanks to God we here at Blue Ridge Nebula Starlines make (Black) history once more. After progressing through antiquated, obsolete, and mucho environment polluting space flight powerplants like either scram jets, solid, liquid, and nuclear powered rockets or under-powered electrical driven powerplants such as Ion , EM or even Q drive rockets that seek to propel outdated 20th century transportation platforms such as cramped capsules or space confining rocket planes Dr. Doug Haynes starline management team announces something new for 2020's Black History month. After decades of development, the first and safest FAA certified /AST registered aerospace-line shows-off the perfection of our groundbreaking, high powered, reactionless powerplant (ADG) this summer here at the world's first third wave airlines spaceport. Your invited to join a Star Trekking Discovering voyage across the know universe at above warp drive speeds.
" La DERSHANA " flight to our moon video This is done via the installation of the newest and fastest space penetrating powerplant named the "Hay Dive". Thanks to Dr. Haynes half a century old work on his all electric powered Hay's Drive, as documented in flight on various (local , national, and international media viewing outlets. Also flown for in competition fro contest hosted by organizations such as X Prize or Bigalow
American space race as far back as early 2004. Dr. Doug's Hay Drive converts high powered centrifugal forces into controllable linear motion without the need to eject any particles. Though this new double close loop space motor can propel our Haynes Saucer way above references speeds such as light or Mock . Though many views seems to believe his "all environmentally green" invention violates physical laws such as Newton third law of motion, perpetual motion and even the law of conservation of energy momentum you can determine for yourself . "And since seeing is believing" feel free to either watch one of our intellectual property ownership videos displaying Dr. Doug's patient technology here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnlFfJunC70 or stop by to fly in the only FAA AST category X, Y, and or Z space ship in the world called the "Haynes Saucer" this summer in Colorado or on the way to Mars this mid Fall As always God bless you one and all Our DARPA's SX-1 Experimental Spaceplane
GOOSE MOOSE Feel free to stop by and see the most advanced air space starliners flight deck in the solar system Featuring the five basic ( Navigation, Communication, Environmental, Fire fighting, Robotic and all E drive power-plant ) monitoring and operations control stations in the world
As posted in Dr. Haynes 5 part book series on colonizing space flight operation, as called Third Wave Airlines we also show off the industry's most personalized, psychological, psychological and or physiological pleasing subaquatic, terrestrial, atmospheric and deep space in-flight entertainment system in the universe
Standing on the top of the industry in
Come one come all to our 64/24th annual celebration on the 27th of July at the worlds first civilian space-starline spaceport as your formally invited to our ftg spaceport to personally connect with the top aviator of the world, Dr. Haynes and his, world's first spaceline management team as the first and safest spaceline shows-off not one, but two of our FAA /AST registered (USO UFO) Flying Saucers named El Jimmie lee 
and Las Dilila as propelled by their earth to orbit booster-package named "Goose Moose" which serves as the private space flight industry upgraded version of the limited flight capable DARPA XS-1 aerospace plane.Or command the crew in flight via our newest certified voice and video mission control command center. As always God bless you and yours
Watch Dr. Doug Haynes and his Blue Ridge Nebula Starline team morphing
our Patented USO UFO looking Haynes Flying Saucer from the old jet and rocket-liners of yesterday into the world’s first and safest FAA AST registered anti/ artificial gravity generation, light speed transversing spaceliners of today as our Third Wave Airliners takeover the passenger and cargo space transportation marketplace God bless you and yours
Ten passenger Man Made Flying Saucer
God bless you and yours
New space flight transportation listing fees are now based on a per-person seating slot now via booking cargo or freight on one of our 10 passenger or more flying saucer spaceliners.
Thanks to God we are headed to the West African Dogon tribes ancient Dog Star world of the Nommos, as located in the try-Sirius orbiting star network, to say thanks for giving us the secret knowledge of space flight
Nommo is actually the Dogons creators’ hidden planet orbiting within the confines of Sirius try-Dog Star third network named (Sirius C). Like the Dogon spaceships all of our saucers are driven by the wind contained in the Po seeds According to the Dogon, the principal element of the world is the Po particle that has a shape of a tiny millet seed (Amma had the same shape). The Po seed was “whirling and radiating particles of matter in a sonic and light action, though remaining invisible and inaudible”. In the Po seed Amma built the entire universe, but in order to “release the world outside” he started revolving on his axis... The Dogon say: “Revolving and dancing, Amma created all spiral stellar worlds of the universe.” Eric Guerrier notes that the image of “the spinning spiral vortex of Amma” may be applied both to an atom with its electron cloud revolving around the nucleus and to spiral galaxy. “Po twisted around itself preserves the word until the moment when Amma orders to release this word in order to transfer it to all creatures. Po can turn into a terribly strong wind as we in gage in the transformation of matter into energy, E=ìñ2 formula by A. Einstein. (https://rgdn.info/en/dogony._prishelcy_korablya_nommo_iz_sozvezdiya_bolshogo_psa0
Dr. Doug Haynes finally get his FAA -AST spaceport certified on the 19th of this month, after nearly 3 decades of work and prayers, so come fly the world's most safest and cost effective, 10 passenger, plasma light speed drive Spaceliner
Thanks to God we did it again As promised back in the closeout of our 20th century's X-Prize leadership competition endeavors, instead of chasing, and or, squandering governmental awarded dollars from organizations such as FAA, AST, NASA or even DARPA, we not only successfully self-funded, but now are introducing the world's most advanced and safest 10 passenger and maximum cargo servicing spaceliner of the 21st century to you and yours. All of our state-of-the-art spaceships not only feature secret UFO/USO artificial / anti -gravity capability and 360 panorama bubble window viewing opportunity but are enhanced with amenities such as aquatic operations, full heat / radiation shielding and even customized family sizing safe ejection pods. With this industry leading statues at-hand, our Haynes Saucers proudly takes to the new spaces aloft high above Denver Colo from the world's first certified third wave airlines spaceport just for you.
As always god bless you and yours

Check out not one but two of our lattes 10 pax Man Made UFO/USO Spaceliners
As always God bless you and yours
We here at Blue Ridge and others have offered some of our recuse ejection pods to organizations such as SpaceX and the Thailand Government directly as an means of recusing individuals in space water of caves via the use of our bubble jumping nitrogen and oxygen filled
safety transportation safety pod's five environmental penetrating (sub aquatic surface, aquatic, surface, air space) formats. Our superior multi environmental penetrating spaceship recuse ejection pod protocols uses both nitrogen and oxygen breather resources as a means of reducing are long term turnaround waiting
or swimming recover periods.
As always God bless you and yours
World's first successful man made Space-liner
07-07-2018 Come one come all, on the 28th of July at the worlds first civilian space-starline spaceport as your formally invited to our ftg spaceport to personally connect with the top aviator of the world, Dr. Haynes and his, world's first spaceline management team as the first and safest spaceline shows-off not one, but two of our FAA /AST registered (USO UFO) Flying Saucers named El Jimmie lee 
and Las Dilila as propelled by their earth to orbit booster-package named "Goose Moose" which serves as the private space flight industry upgraded version of the limited flight capable DARPA XS-1 aerospace plane.
As always God bless you and yours
World's first successful man made UFO
World's first successful man-made submersible (USO) flying Saucer
Ten passenger's maximum cargo Anti-artificial gravity Speed of plasma light drive Passenger and cargo ejection pods
Building the world's first and safest manned (UFO) Flying Saucer
World's first successful man made Flying Disk
Dr. Doug Haynes Manned Flying Saucer
 04-11-2018 MARS-SIX- DAY FLIGHT Introduction Thanks to God we now are ready to connect with Mars' orbital environment aloft  In July, via a live real-time round trip atmospheric flight demonstration of our secret Haynes Saucer-liner's gravitics based AMP space-motors technology. In conjunction with finally getting our FAA AST spaceport certified this year. As a follow-on event after we connect with this angry red planet aloft in near space in both early July of 2018, and around October, 13 of 2020 and December 8, 2022 we then push on toward relatively deeper orbital seeking environments like asteroids, water based moons and their exoplanets. During this time frame we simply invite you all to come along via our "Ribbon in the stars"route system, or risk spend the next decade, or so, just wasting time, and or, valuable resources conducting research and development task.  Task that are pointed at just seeking to find microcosmic life on erred celestial body's aloft, such as our moon or mars by choosing to follow the water instead of transporting God's people throughout the balance of our universe, since this does not promote wealth or health for the masses below or above.
Now you're omnibus invited to travel with us to the stars in uni-cent
Thanks to God above Instead of just flying the right stuff in space, here at BRNS we invite all of humanity to come with us as we use our blue "Ribbon in the Stars" secret USO/UFO flying saucer technology to Homestead Settlement Colonize " The New Spaces Aloft " in Safety
God Bless you and yours
Feel free to Stop by and catch a ride on our all electrical S-VTOL Blue Diamond Quest Express  | | I |
ground & aerial Taxi/Limousine Service which has been safely serving the midwest region of the us since 1974
Feel free to either visit us as the world first, safest, and only FAA AST registered man rated spaceline operation in the world, since 1974 or see us on video like our newest series listed below name"Third Wave Airlines Takeover" as we continual to build the world's first and safest FAA registered, and or, certified air-taxi service to the new spaces aloft just for you since 1974. Featuring The world first dual civilian spaceport (DIA / FTG) our UFO USO Star-teak, Star-wars lookalike Haynes Saucer and also our DARPA XS-1 booster package named Goose Moose which can do :24 minuet rapped turn-arounds to space 10 times per-day just for you. God bless you one and all.
at the upcoming Watkins Colorado, Front Range Airport's War-birds and Auto-mobiles air-fair
on July the 22nd
from 8am to 2pm
as always God bless you one and all
As always we are still number one
as others struggle to get their haphazardness polluting
staging rockets and antiquated rocket gliders aloft we do it again and again
as the world's first and safest FAA AST registered /certified air-space-starline
most popular, experienced, degree, and affordable
third wave airline company in the World via Empirical " Seeing is Believing" Evidence
09-09-2016 Its that time once again that everyone has been so gracefully asking for, so if empirical evidence seeking activities such as "seeing (and touching) is believing" then feel free to register for a quick stop-by to wittiness our State-of-the art, Star-trek Star-Wars lookalike, USO UFO performing, FAA AST registered, passenger-cargo carrying, Haynes Saucer like spaceship taking final shape for yourself, this October 15th .
Stop by to see our ordinal 1985 UFO /USO booster docking assembly package named La Dershanna
and USO Haynes Saucer named
El Jimmie Lee, and its / miniature "Off World" drones like devices such as our Tadpoles, Dragging-flys and Rolley-polys, as profiled on our 1984 videos, take shape aloft while we get ready to hots the DARPA XS-1 Spaceplane projects mfg and test ft's kickoff meeting during our upcoming open house event here in Watking Colo, in October.
As always God bless you all
The World's Safest First FAA-AST Registers 100% Green, Fully Submersible / Reusable DEHAS Inc Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea look alike Flying Sub named the "Stingray"
Goes to work for NASA's as their ICE Moon Investigating C.20 COLDTech USO UFO Submersible Spacecraft
DEHAS Inc's lookalike Klingon Bird of Prey
Winged Booster Package
Named the "Goose Moose"
Goes to work for DARPA as their safest and most efficient, all green emissions hosting
SX-1 Phase . I, II and III S- Spaceplane
at your Public Domain Tax Saving Discount for this FY 2016 Spring and Summer
We went one better for both NASA and DARPA by surprising them when we built the first FAA-AST reg's Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea look alike flying sub named the stingray
before giving it to NASA, and now we give them full access to the world's safest and cheapest FAA AST registered 100% green, fully reusable, Star-trekking Klingon bird of prey look alike space-plane named the Goose Moose
Thanks to God now you can come watch us fly our Star-trek lookalike, DEHAS Inc, voyage to the bottom of the sea look alike Submersible spacecraft for NASA's COLDTec Ops, and our Klingon bird of prey look alike space-plane Strap-on booster package for Phase I, II & III of DARPA's XS-1 Space-plane proposal over 10 time per-day , per month  while transporting .9-6k lbs of payload within its relative confines under, in, or above the earth's atmosphere
"Thanks to God" "We can safely do every-day what others can only dream unsafely about every-night"
In-route to the Mars orbital system 7th -12th Pre-register to stop by on the 7th of May at our FTG spaceport to help Dr. Haynes and his crew switch from their USO UFO mimicking, Sci-fi movie Forbidden Planet / Earth -vs-  Mars “lookalike” Haynes Saucer to our Star-trek lookalike. star-ship. Astro-hydro- saucer-naut Dr. Doug Haynes, his crew, and passengers like yourself will head for Mars on that day. We will accomplish such a record breaking journey via the employment of our secret, patented, ion plasma drive, contentious thrust, deep space flight transversing protocols. AS normal, Astro-hydro- saucer-naut Dr. Doug Haynes, his crew, and passengers like yourself will reach the Mars orbital system within a week. Astro-hydro- saucer-naut Dr. Doug Haynes , his starline flight crew, and passengers like yourself will first dock with their Mars Moon's (Phobos) artificial gravity generating space-station on the 12th of May for a quick overnight stay, before heading down to the actually surface of Mars during a week long, trouble free, red dust, celestial exportation like vacation.
Yes Going to Mars This May Day With You All 
first Spacelines 20th anniversary open- house event this weekend hit
a home run
the world's first civilian FTG spaceport as we open the door to the
new spaces aloft
As a follow up of our 20th
anniversary, BRNS locally famous CEO “ Dr. Doug Haynes” engages
in a informational updating interview with the shows host Dr.
David Livingston
Friday (9:30am PST) west coast morning, (10;30am MST) of November
6th during the famous online Space Show program for the third time
over the last decade.
free to tune into/ call into the online broadcasting program
discussed will Dr. Space and Dr. Haynes include
industry jobs via Dr. Haynes five Third Wave Airlines books ( 1st
wave airline to the Troposphere, 2nd wave Airline to the
Stratosphere, Third wave airlines, a Spacline to the Milky-way , and
Starlines to the Universe)
"Blue Ribbon in the Stars" secret flying saucer technology
five environmental (sub-aquatics, land, sea ,air, space flight
four state of matter (liquid, soled, gas, and plasma) "Obama go
all green emissions " E-drive AAMPP space motor power-plant
FAA-AST registered, Star-trek/ Star-wars lookalike, secret USO UFO
mimicking, Haynes ( flying) Saucer deep space routing technology.
Haynes Flying Saucer's S-VTOL flight profiles,, anti/artificial
gravity flight characteristics, individualized / family based
personalize "My-space" safety ejection pod.
360 panorama bubble window passenger viewing and seating areas.
starlines plan on how to transporting groups like the Mars One, Mars
Society, Mars Initiative, and or, the Venus Project people fast,
efficient, and safely to various space based locations such as the
Moon,Venus, or Mars for either round trip visitation opportunity's,
or long term Homesteading
additional information and or technical support on the upcoming
interview with Dr. Doug Haynes please feel free to contact the
webmaster of the show: DrSpace@TheSpaceShow.com.
always God Bless you and yours
RSVP to stop by and celibate our worlds first and oldest spacelines "Blue Ridge Nebula Starline" 20th anniversary via their annual open  house event at the world's first "third wave airlines" Space-port on the 24th , as located just 10 miles east of DIA , while we once again send everyone home for the fall winter happy holidays spanning Labor- day too MLK-Day as the number one spaceline company in the industry again thanks to you guys and our lord and saver.
As Always God Bless you and yours
Colo Media Personalities, Politicians Ride Star-trek like Spaceship Free
As others in the industry are busy (re) building antiquated “Buck Rogers” Sci- Fy mimicking toxic chemical producing powered space-planes, and or, obsolete, five environment (sub- aquatics, land, sea air, space) polluting staging rocket transport platforms the world's first Star-Trek star-ship mimicking space transportation system, named Blue Ridge Nebula Starlines (BRNS), since 1974, as posted here, www.blueridgeairlines.com, gets set to demonstrate our state-of-the-art “all green” five environment penetrating Flying saucer. Our sub- aquatics, land, sea ,air ,and space flight penetrating E-liquid plasma drive USO UFO Haynes Saucer will open its flight deck doors just for you Saturday, the 24th,, for about three quick hours, starting at noon (to 3;pm). Our late October, 20th annual open-house event will once again be hosted just 10 miles east of DIA, at our FTG air-spaceport's relative confines free of charge. However this time Blue Ridge Nebula Starlines' historically opens our doors for you in conjunction with preparation for our upcoming, 2016 Mars conjunction arrival, mid-May celestial objects' fifth round trip passenger and cargo demonstration run, as demo-posted here athttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xoh6sGd0-Jo,. These various 30 day round trip time- framing simulation flights will be incrementally advancing closer and closer toward the red planets relative confines over the next six years on behalf of potential Mars settlement development customers such as Asteroid Prospectors, National Space Society, Mars Society, Pioneer Aero-astronautics, Space Adventures, the Aerospace Technology Group, Golden Spike, Space Flight Technology, Planetary Resources, Deep Space Industries, Shackleton's Mining Bases, B612 Foundation, Inspiration Mars, Mars One, NASA, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, the United Launch Alliance, Moon Express, the American Astronautical Society, and a few other great space flight firms, as posted at https://www.youtube.com/user/dehas77. The good news thanks to God, is that each of these Mars flight aspiration seeking firms that have been, and will still be, waiting to go there for decades on end can now simply book a flight for their passengers, and or, cargo on line. via a temporary discount membership coupon, as posted on the world's first BRNS spacelines reservation system, since 2001 here at http://www.blueridgeairlines.com/shopping_cart_29.html, while saving both time and dollars down the road. Feel free to stop by to come aboard the world's first successful, FAA-AST, registered DEHA's Inc built, nine manned "Haynes Flying Saucer" for free, as our spaceline management team shows-off their civilian space transportation industry leaderships' Ribbon In The Stars” connection stuff just for you. High technologically advanced space flight USO / UFO leadership equipment such as our "family first" safety ejection pods, 360 degree panorama viewing bubble windows, dual mounted HDV TV monitor flight deck display panels, twin safety ejection pink parachute deployment systems, hovercraft/ flying car platforming architect, anti/artificial gravity generating Haynes E-drive- liquid plasma ( ADG-AAMP) all green emissions space motors, as all operationally demo video posted here; www.bluenebula.com, will be on static display for the world to see , touch and here for about three hours per year. As we all know no outer technological lagging company in the industry would be as humbling, and or, kindhearted to ever think about letting you get so close to your vested money like this so thanks to God please feel free to get historically video taped as you take this rare “once a year” opportunity to climb aboard a real-live, FAA-AST registered, Star-trek/ Star-wars lookalike, secret USO UFO mimicking, Haynes ( flying) Saucer technology of the future. Put it on your bucket-list now before its inner workings get all cover-up inside their external heat shield like liquid flowing skin like membranes next year. See you there and as always God Bless you and yours
Thanks to God that not only are the DEHAS Inc "tsunami buster" ejection pods ready to go to work just for you and your family but even

our fleet of DEHAS Inc Star-trek /Star Wars lookalike USO UFO Haynes Saucer Cargo-liners have the added capability of moving large based space freight items, such as staging rockets expelled space junk, failed orbiting debris, wayward comets and rouge flying asteroids, "out of arms way just for you" God Bless you one and all
09-09-2015 Our starline division prepares to show element three of our UFO USO Haynes saucer progression effortes right here at our BRNS/ FTG spaceport this fall as the worlds only spaceline flying real manned spaceships today.
God bless you and yours
Dr. Doug Haynes USO UFO saucers crash landing ADG lovers operational testing sequencing out east of Colorado near his BRNS/FTG spaceport.
God Bless you and yours

DEHAS Inc enters our third phase of Haynes Sauce USO UFO aerospace flight evolutionary development operations as we celebrate having the best webpages, spacecraft, safety record and customer service connections in the industry for about 60 years now.
As always God bless you and yours

06-06-2015 Stop by eastern Colorado today as we show off the worlds first electro-diamagnetic plasma drive all green powered USO UFO's in operation.
God Bless you and yours

05-05-2015 First civilian space flight "Night Time" quick turnaround demonstrations.
Dr. Doug Haynes imitates his FAA/AST stipulated 2015 night time flight testing program right here at our FTG spaceport by accomplishing our normal, (less then 60 minutes) ground service turnaround events just for you. Were number one and it shows.
God Bless you one and all
02-21-2015 BRNS Orbital Omnibus Colonization Program
Now that our o pen house is over we are ready to take you on a ribbon in the stars ride aloft. Instead of reducing our population count, via birth control protocols such as abortions , contraceptives, family sizing limitation protocols, land grabbing wars, and mercy killings here at BRNS we now give mankind a ribbon in the stars
alternative aloft via our new space accessing / colonization program.
God Bless you and yours
Our first Omnibu's Prim Colonization summit will be hosted right here in Denver Colorado during black history month (noon to 4:00 pm, 02-20-2015). Please feel free to stop by and interject your feelings about migrating to space with BRNS and see just how you can help get you there today.
As all-ways God bless you and yours
Dr. Haynes work parallels 20th century NASA
Dr. Haynes USO UFO Haynes Saucer Lunar Lander looks the same way as ASA Lunar Landing Research Facility's original L-68-547 landing module
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While the various us Langley engineers of NASA took the time to designed the control cab of their Lunar Landing Research Facility's original L-68-547 landing module from the cockpit of a Bell helicopter back in the 20th century Dr. Haynes built his from his own flying saucer concept today / the 21st century. The NASA version was only a test model but Dr. Haynes USO/UFO ships are now headed to deep space locations such as planets and moons located all around the universe. Not only can the Haynes Saucer make it own anti/ artificial gravity but it can dock this both the DEHAs orbital station and our deep space penetrating plasma drive booster rocket package.
Please feel free to stop by our DEHAS Inc manufacturing plant here in eastern Colorado to see aerospace history in the making and remember their a ribbon in the stars for you too.
10-07-2014 11 Years After Conducting Our X-Prize 1st Flight, we Celebrate our
19th Anniversary of the first Air Space Starline Operation
on the 17th /18th
About sixty years after first discovering his USO / UFO operational technology, 31 years after successfully patenting / incorporating the technology, and 11 years after flying it for the electronic media under the original X-Prize spaceship testing performance stipulations and pr otocols, Dr. Doug Haynes triumphs on as number one. Thanks to his God, Dr. Haynes is now the only one who has the capability and ingenuity of inviting us all to safely and efficiency journey with his starline team to the new spaces aloft using all green emissions power plant technology and safety ejection pods, sooner then later as posted here; http://www.blueridgeairlines.com/index.html.
As always God Bless you and yours this fall and winter season
Dr. Haynes interviewed live on our state- of- the- art operation aloft During the first part of Dr. David Livingston very popular the spaceshow segment on the 5th of October his first caller was none other than our CEO of Blue Ridge Nebula Air space starlines, Dr. Dough Haynes. During the show as hosted at http://www.thespaceshow.com/detail.asp?q=2329 Dr. Haynes not only talked openly and honestly about the release of his five books (first, second and third wave airlines 1-3) he also elaborated on the subject of his secret plasma drive propulsion vehicles advanced operational perimeters as laid-out in the form of his FAA registered Haynes "USO UFO flying Saucer."

In addition to these two important subjects at hand Dr. Haynes also took a few moments to speak with Dr. David Livingston about the start-up of our companies drone deliver Star-Wars / Star-Trek lookalike business that will be unveiled during this years up and coming FTG spaceport Open House event. Given we were at the 10th anniversary of the winning of the X Prize, Dr. David Livingston took the informal interview updating engagement opportunity to asked Dr. Haynes about his space/starlines operational developmental progress and timeline of events / as in contrast and or compliment to the tourist suborbital industry's formational statues. As previously discussed in his published literary work on sale all over the world feel free to tune in now for free to here the father of the third wave galactic airline industry set us striate on how to responsible commercialize passenger and cargo service provider transportation opportunities across the �new spaces aloft via a non-five environmental polluting venue sooner than later.
As always God Bless you and yours this fall 2014 test flight season
Dr. Haynes interviewed live on our state- of- the-art operation aloft
During the first part of Dr. David Livingston very popular ” the spaceshow” segment on the 5th of October his first caller was none other than our CEO of Blue Ridge Nebula Air space starlines, Dr. Doug Haynes. During the show as hosted at http://www.thespaceshow.com/detail.asp?q=2329 important subjects at hand Dr. Haynes also took a few moments to speak with Dr. David Livingston about the start-up of our companies drone deliver “Star-Wars / Star-Trek lookalike business that will be unveiled during this year’s up and coming FTG spaceport Open House event. Given we were at the 10th anniversary of the winning of the X Prize Dr. David Livingston took the informal interview updating engagement opportunity to asked Dr. Haynes about his space/starlines operational developmental progress and timeline of events / as in contrast and or compliment to the tourist suborbital industry's formational statues. As previously discussed in his published literary work on sale all over the world feel free to tune in now for free to here the father of the third wave galactic airline industry set us striate on how to” responsible” Dr. Haynes not only talked openly and honestly with Dr. David Livingston about the recent release of his five books (first, second and third wave airlines 1-3) he also elaborated on the subject of his secret plasma drive propulsion vehicles advanced operational perimeters as laid-out in the form of his FAA registered Haynes "USO UFO flying” Saucer." In addition to these two commercialize passenger and cargo service provider transportation opportunities across the “new spaces aloft” via a non-five environmental polluting venue sooner than later.
As always God Bless you and yours this fall 2014 test flight season
NASA Gets it Backward Again
As NASA left brain based approach to manned spaceflight includes deadly staging rockets / bottom backward re-entry ordeals and rocket powered planes fuel tanks that seem to keep killing passengers our right brain based Star trek Star Wars look-alike UFO USO Haynes Saucers secret technology keeps heading aloft in first place.
In preparation for our annual mid October FTG spaceport open-house event Dr. Doug E Haynes will be conducting his third national space show media interview on the 5th of October during Dr. Space, call in radio broadcast at noon at
http://www.thespaceshow.com/ Dr. Livingston at DrSpace@TheSpaceShow.com
Dr. Haynes will be updating everyone on such items as the current status of the world’s first space starline operation, his UFO USO Haynes Saucers flight testing progress, the Star wars Star trek lookalike deliver drones, and most important his five book (Third Wave Airlines) release even statues.

Tune in or stop by to finally discovery what space flight operations around the world, such as NASA, keep going backward over and over again during such events as re-entry sequences, as we continue to lead the industry forward as number one in the third wave airline transportation aloft quest to the stars.
Feel free to stop by our FTG spaceport since 1975 and as always God bless you and yours
Now that we are moved in on the east side of Denver and getting ready to put on our UFO/USO drone ship demonstration ft's for you,, Dr. Doug Haynes, the leader of the spaceline industry, and the worlds first starline operation begins test flight at FTG airport in preparation for initiating our star-trek lookalike operation out east. As always while others try to copy use in vain, we were the first FAA certified airline to start accepting application for registration flights aloft back before the 21st century, and are now reopening our starline registrant banks online. The safest and most efficient starline operation is also accepting applications for ( $20.00 or more per hour) job openings as well.
As always God Bless you and Yours
02-02-2014 Black history month’s first black astronaut spaceline owner honored again
As the good people of Watkins Colored get ready to welcome Dr. Haynes back home since the time he helped them usefully start their airport, we take time to honor his entire god giving blessing for black history month. Looking back on it all, from the time Dr. Haynes became the first black person to graduate for Spartan school of aeronautics in Tulsa Oklahoma as an aircraft mechanic/pilot he has been blessed in his quest to succeed in aviation/aerospace science. Dr. Haynes was the first one to not only establish an airline, but a space-line operation at FTG airport here in Colorado. Dr. Haynes is the only one who found a safe way to get a manned UFO to fly and is converting it into a spaceliner for the world first starline company called Blue Ridge Nebula Spaceline. He has been profile an all of the local print and electric (tv) news stations for his outstanding industry leadership work since the early 80’s. Dr. Haynes Is also the only aviator who has successfully published over five book as dedicated to the airline space-line knowhow industry. Not only has helped his college students, peers as a professor and business leader progress in life he has also taking the time out to help the youth of the world succeed as well. Currently as he prepares to operation his UFO featuring, star trek like business in space, he is helping his family help the female youth of the world gain confidence in their belief systems via Cinemax hosting platforms. For all this we say thanks to God for blessing him to be number for over 50 years. God bless you and yours in 2014 08-05-2013
In preparation for our next UFO USO public demonstration flight, and as the leader of the space/starline industry Dr. Doug Haynes proudly announces his lattes, fully references and published literary work called the First Wave Airlines to the Troposphere. This particular literary research based project is designed to serve as a leading historical background knowledge gathering book for his very popular Third Wave Airlines trilogy package which includes The Third Wave Airline, the Spacelines to the Milky-way and Starlines to the Universe. Dr Haynes has been the only Ph. D aviator to have published a trilogy airline business know how book package on transitioning into space passenger and cargo transportation operation within the new spaces aloft. Thanks to this project Dr. Haynes is now also the only aerospace scientists to possess a quadrilateral literary based historical aviation series as well. Not only has Dr. Haynes uses his four decade long in- the-filed experience in owning and operating successful aviation companies such as flight training centers and airlines company, he has also integrated a veerity of his superior in-the-classroom college and university professor teaching knowledge on the past, present, and future endeavors of the air-space-starline industry to both validate and perfect the vast amount of information delivery across 400 pages of his First Wave Airlines To The Troposphere book. Order all four of Dr. Haynes Third Wave Airlines quadrilateral book package for Christmas and gain the competitive knowledge gathering advantage airline business protocols forever.
God bless you one and all
07-17-2013 “Asela the Oracle Givens/ Jeter /Thomas/ Family Biographical Notebook”Sent to Oprah's Book corner
Book Description
In a world where there is so much negative satanic based messaging of immorality encouragement activities pointed at the youth females of the world, now their is a refreshing option rising above the horizon in the from of a new book called “Asela the Oracle Givens/ Jeter /Thomas/ Family Biographical Notebook”. Asela the Oracle Biographical Notebook is an entertaining and psychologically uplifting book newly released for the troubled youth of the world. The book basically covers one of the largest and internationally famous historical family’s migration patterns across the world, by taking the reader on a journey of their character, life events, and overall achievements despite it all.
Much like the successful books turned into movies such as Roots, and or, Color Purple this old school storyline is present from an overall reader looking down perspective, via my 19 year old (youngest) daughter’s intrinsic observations. With her dads help as a internationally Ph. D famous published author, the literary work has be configured to physiologically focus in on just how a young (African American) girl in America got to where she is today, via a long road of setbacks, emotional upheaval, homelessness, and self doubt. “Asela the Oracle Biographical Notebook starts out with the unavailing of mankind’s birth on this earth as a signal cell entity and peaks out with the exploration of Aselas’ ancestors’ migration activities across continents and region of the planet such as Africa, Schottland, Europe, Haiti, and even America. Asela’s Oracle book concludes its emotional uplifting literary contents by talking about the youthful author’s life, and how like millions of at risk adolescent females around the globe can triumphs over early failures and low self-esteem issues via the knowledge of paralleling struggles and successes stories as write by their ancestries GNA implanted roots.
Needless to say my entire large family of hundreds and thousands with names such as Gaskins, Anderson, Clarkson and Haynes are waiting to start acquiring published literary works on our international famous family roots across the world. Our family as formally documented contains such famous people such as Barack Obama’s, (president of America) same relative tribe of families from Kenya, Tom Bradley (mayor of Los Angeles) O. J. Simpson and Abner Haynes (who are know as very successful college and professional football players) Marques Haynes who became a very famous college / professional Harlem Globetrotters basketball player) and Sly and his family Stones.
As always God bless you and yours
Blue Ridge Goes Star Trekking Without NASA
As Blue Ridge Nebula Starlien waits for the various federal government space based departments to catch up with our secret, Obama Re-power America all green, rocket propulsion technology Dr. Doug gets set to push his disk shape Haynes Saucer starship to altitude within the eastern confines of both DIA and FTG airport traffic areas.

Thanks to God Dr. Doug Haynes receives top business man of the early 21st century honors again for his superior leadership in the Third Wave Airline (space / starline) industry and the designer, builder, and pilot of the worlds first, FAA/ AST registered, star-trek-star-wars look alike, manned, USO UFO Flying Saucer spaceship cruise-liners. Dr. Haynes is currently the only airline designer /owner flying to space today that holds over eight multiple FAA/FCC ratings certificates, endorsement, as well as eight undergraduate college degrees. Deacon Haynes advanced college and university educational degrees range from industrial related areas such as aviation maintenance management, business organizational management, through aerospace science engineering to multi- intellectual/cultural educational leadership platforms. Award winning and multi trilogy published. For over three and a half decades now Author Dr. Haynes has been acknowledged as the leading pioneer of this exciting space transportation filed as he takes center stage once more for 2013 and 2014.
God bless you one and all this 2013 winter/spring flight testing season
Haynes Saucer (UFO USO) Survival Escape Pod Information
Don't just set there prepare now get your one to six manned UFO USO Haynes Saucer survival escape pod, and or, its flying support platform today and help your family/ love-ones transverse either the water, atmosphere, or near space escape conduits soon.
The Haynes Saucer disaster survival capsules are available for sale now and represent the most versatile privately owned escape pods on earth. the Haynes Saucer was built for both you and your love-ones to be fully elector-statically shielded, so if a solar ejection flair hits the earth just keep going anywhere you seem fit, by simply flying away or opting to submerge deeply beneath the waters for a few weeks.
If an earthquake hits the earth, your Haynes Saucer disaster survival capsule is fully navigational and press urized to any altitude aloft or any depth below so just simply head for a safer place above or underneath below for a few weeks.
If the continent tectonic plates shift just head for altitude in your Haynes Saucer disaster survival capsule for around 30 days or more
If the suns neutrinos liquefies the ground around your bunker just head for a safer place aloft with your Haynes Saucer disaster survival capsule for a few weeks.
If a high energy polar shifting wind storm hits just simply fly your Haynes Saucer disaster survival capsule away or submerge deeply below for a few weeks.
If the earth freezes just head for warmer space, air, land, or watery environments quickly via your Haynes Saucer disaster survival capsule.
If the visibility goes to poor, or a full blackout statues simply navigate through space, air, land, or waterways blindly with the aid of our Haynes Saucer disaster survival capsule’s zero zero visibility radar/ sonar instrumentation.
If space based GPS or ground based navigational facilities fail just revert to your Haynes Saucer disaster survival capsule’s on board ring laser gyro navigation platform data for guidance.
If a Tsunami Wave hits the coastal areas, your Haynes Saucer disaster survival capsule is both float-able, and submersible so just simply head for safer regions of the earth.
Since your Haynes Saucer disaster survival capsule has its own 30 day (+) air supplies so If the localized atmosphere goes bad from poison particulates just feel free to just keep heading toward safer environments.
If a series of celestial objects approach the earth for impact you and your Haynes Saucer disaster survival capsule can hid behind it, or its moons, in space for 30 days or more
If the airports, and or, airways get overcrowded or close up altogether just take your Haynes Saucer disaster survival capsule flying platform into either VTOL - high mock, invisible to radar, stealthy profile and simply fly your family, and or, love-ones to safety
If the roads, bridges, tunnels become grid-locked, washed-out, or closed, simply fly your Haynes Saucer disaster survival capsule’s flying platform over all the obstructions in any direction hundreds of mile away.
If civil unrest arises just simply fly all of your love-ones and food supplies hundreds of miles in any safe direction away from any localized disturbance, or roundup activities, via your Haynes Saucer disaster survival capsules.
When the time comes we shall see, and meet him, in the safe skies above (Thessalonians 4:17) so get your Haynes Saucer disaster survival capsule and its vertical departure flying support platform today,
As always God Bless you one and all
Over 1,000 views and downloads
The DEHAS Haynes flying saucer manufacturing group closes down for the four month 2012 Christmas holiday season as the most popular, safest, reliable, and advanced civilian spacecraft team of the year thanks to God. For our 17th anniversary Dr. Doug Haynes spaceline Blue Ridge Nebula will be conducting our official FAA/AST, as stipulate, emergency management logistical interfacing familiarization (FAB) début around noon, on the 19th of October here at eastern Colorado's FTG Air-spaceport for all associated emergence first responder personnel.

In preparation to be the first to go commercial next year Dr. Haynes
goes aquatic surface/ subsurface and pops his USO UFO saucers twin pink emergency pod parachutes for Colorado's emergency first responders on the 19th at our air-spacelines FTG airport. As always Dr. Doug continues to set the stander in the civilian space transportation industry via the only passenger cargo spaceliner ever equipped with both five external environmental safety/entertainment ejection pods, and all Obama green rocket motor technology.

Dr. Haynes univalves the world first spacelines entry in to the cargo small satellite deliver and pickup business via the first satellite payload deliver pickup all pollution free platform.
God bless you one and all

Over 2,000 views and downloads
The Hayes Saucer USO/UFO is Back at FTG
Watch this UFO/USO video of a real manned FAA registered craft. It's been about a decade since we were the first to fly a manned space vehicle in the X-Prize race from right here at FTG in Colorado. Thanks to God, we did it once more and as always right on time. For our FAA certified air-space-starlines 17th anniversary Dr. Doug Haynes successfully conducted his first FTG Haynes Saucer II UFO/USO emergency operational demonstration event today. For the last ten years we have been the only civilian space transportation firm who is operating manned spaceships that have the ability to power their way both up and down the entire flight profile and not rely on expensive boost rockets, costly mother-ships or limited and dangerous mine return to earth gliding wings.
Our Star Trek look-alike Haynes Saucer II features such state-of the art civilian space transportation amenities as individualized five external environment resistant pilot / passenger ejection pods, twin pink safety parachutes, anti / artificial gravity generators, and secret Obama Re-power America all green electric ionized powered rocket motor technology. Now no more diaper wearing spacesuits with cumbersome helmet or face shields just safe Third Wave Airline comfort aloft. While other are sadly failing or disappearing from the industry in order to commemorate our ongoing success as its leader thanks to God and in preparation of commercially orbital passenger/cargo flights Dr. Haynes has renamed his operation a Starline company.
As always God bless you one and all

Over 40,000 views and downloads
Blue Ridge Goes Star Trekking Without NASA
As Blue Ridge Nebula Starlien waits for the various federal government space based departments to catch up with our secret, Obama Repower America all green, rocket propulsion technology Dr. Doug gets set to push his disk shape Haynes Saucer starship to altitude within the eastern confines of both DIA and FTG airport traffic areas.

Thanks to God as this world first starline management team heads for a three month holiday vacating Dr. Doug Haynes receives top business man of the early 21st century honors again for his superior leadership in the Third Wave Airline (space / starline) industry and the designer, builder, and pilot of the worlds first, FAA/ AST registered, star-trek-star-wars look alike, manned, USO UFO Flying Saucer spaceship cruise-liners. Dr. Haynes is currently the only airline designer /owner flying to space today that holds over eight multiple FAA/FCC ratings certificates, endorsement, as well as eight under/graduate college degrees. Deacon Haynes advanced college and university educational degrees range from industrial related areas such as aviation maintenance management, business organizational management, through aerospace science engineering and multi- intellectual/cultural educational leadership platforms. Award winning and multi trilogy published, Author Dr. Haynes has been acknowledged in the past for being one of the top leading pioneers of this exciting space transportation filed for over three and a half decades and now he takes center stage once more as the year closeout.
God bless you one and all this Christmas season
